About D.I.C.S. League

Hi, my name is Damien. My beautiful wife Margo and I started the greatest adult co-ed sports league, D’s Incredible Co-Ed Sports League, or D.I.C.S. for short.  D.I.C.S. was founded in 2013.  As an adult I loved the comradery of team sports and played in adult hockey, flag-football, softball, and soccer leagues.  One day Margo told me we should play sports together as a couple and proposed playing kickball.  We played kickball together for two years but felt there was much to be desired.  Kickball did not provide the best workout, the seasons were very short, and the teams we played against were either over the top competitive or not competitive at all and wanted to treat the sport as a drinking event.  Margo and I came up with the idea of starting our own sports league that would be both fun and competitive.  We wanted to take away all of the negatives associated with team sports such as the intimidation and negativity towards players that wanted to play but might not be the strongest athletes.  Below is some information on our league. Hope to see you out there!

I would like to invite you to try out the best adult co-ed pick-up style sports league!  Our league currently plays Ultimate Frisbee once a week on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:30 PM in Boynton Beach.  Our current location is Caloosa Park (1300 SW 35th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33426).  We primarily play Ultimate Frisbee but have other fun alternate sports that we sometimes rotate into the mix that include Flag Football, Soccer, Ultimate Football, Ultimate Frisbee – Hockey Edition, and Handball.  We play flag football every Thanksgiving for our Annual Turkey Bowl.  The league is a great way to build comradery while you get a competitive but fun workout. 

The league is set up as an adult co-ed pick-up style league, meaning there are no set teams.  We play several mini games each Thursday night.  When everyone arrives at the field two captains are picked, who in turn pick two teams.  The teams are picked in private so the players never know who is picked first or last.  The games are played to a score of 5 points.  When a team reaches the set score that mini game is over and two new captains are selected to pick two new teams for the next game. 

D.I.C.S. is very recreational which means we have some phenomenal athletes and some athletes that have never played organized sports in their life.  The pick-up style games allow for the teams to always be pretty balanced even with the wide range in athletic abilities.  D.I.C.S. gets rid of all the negativity behind team sports that prevents people from having a good time.  I do not allow any jerks out there, and you will not find anyone yelling at someone for making a mistake.  D.I.C.S. is also a great thing for couples to do together, I always say “A couple that plays together, stays together!”

There is no cost to try out the league for two sessions.  If you choose to join the league the first quarter costs $65, which includes your official jersey and welcome pack.  After the initial investment, you will only have to pay a small member fee of $45 a quarter (quarterly fees are subject to change based on location).  I also suggest new players make a small investment in soccer cleats ($40-$200) and soccer shin guards ($10-$30). I believe in safety first so I suggest wearing shin-guards when we play soccer, but they are not required.  The league fees provide the rest of the equipment and field space.  You must bring one black shirt and one white shirt when trying out the league, this way the teams are easily distinguishable once picked.  If you decide to join the league you will be issued an official D.I.C.S. reversible jersey in your welcome pack. 

If you are interested in the league you can be added to the weekly email.  Each week I send out an e-mail with the day, time, and sport that we will be playing.  I only ask that everyone reply with their intentions each week: Yes/In or No/Out.  Responses may be sent via email or our WhatsApp group chat.  Also, if you reply Yes/In, please try your best to come as other people will also be counting on your attendance for a fun time.  Another way to follow the league is to like us on Facebook: D’s Incredible Co-Ed Sports League.  If you ever decide that the league is not for you, please let me know and you will be removed from the email list.  Thanks for your time, and I hope to see you out there!   

D’s Incredible Co-Ed Sports League Founder (D.I.C.S.)


“Even though it is Co-Ed we are all a bunch of D.I.C.S.” 
(We are actually very nice people, it is just an acronym.)